bike gear, ikea
I finally got my big motorcycle plan underway yesterday by picking up the gear I needed for my upcoming motorcycle course. While they provide bikes, riders are expected to provide their own helmet, jacket, gloves, pants, and boots. That meant buying a helmet and gloves at a minimum (denim is sufficient for the course); rather […]
Wireframe graphics on a Commodore 3032?
Graphics Demo is brilliant. I wish I had thought of this first. Be sure to see the video.
Writing mail filters for Notes
I am in the process of porting a mail filter which I originally wrote in Perl using Mail::Audit to LotusScript for use in Notes. I’ve now got an Enterprise Blackberry, which means I can’t store my mail on the old e-smith IMAP server anymore, and there’s always been pressure for me to use Notes so […]
Updatey thing
I haven’t been posting much lately, but there hasn’t been a whole lot going on, either. Candice‘s parents came down to visit last weekend. I met her mother a few months back, but this is the first time her father and I met. The four of us went out for dinner on Saturday night — […]
best t-shirt evar
I know I would probably never wear it, but I still want this t-shirt.
Ontario new driver sign
Ontario folks: Have any of you ever seen the sign pictured at left? According to the Driver’s Handbook (which I’m reading to get ready for my M1 test — I feel like I’m 16 again) it’s a “Novice Driver” sign that works like the “L” learner’s plates in the UK, but I’ve never seen one […]
sell them on bee bay
1. Walls filled with bees 2. ??? 3. Profit!