Google image meme

Candice just did this one and even though it requires a ridiculous amount of effort for very little gain I will do it too. It’s image-y, so it’s behind a cut.

Take your answer to each question and type it into Google Image Search. Post one of the images from the first page of results.

1. The age you will be on your next birthday:

2. A place to which you’d like to travel:

3. Your favorite place:

4. Your favorite object:

5. Your favorite food:

6. Your favorite animal:

7. Your favorite color:

8. The town in which you were born:

9. The town in which you live:

10. The name of a past pet:

11. The first name of a past love:

12. Your best friend’s nickname/screenname (had to keep this one interesting, because most of the results for “nyxie” were actually Candice-related):

13. Your nickname/screenname:

14. Your first name:

15. Your Middle name:

16. Your Last Name:

17. A Bad Habit of Yours:

18. Your first job:

19. Your grandmother’s name:

20. Your major in college:

I was hoping for better. Ah, well. You can find out what I searched for in the image filenames.

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