arr num num num

(Wedding/Paris updates coming soon, I promise! I’ve been busy at the Ottawa Linux Symposium this week.)

While I was gone, work replaced our old employee ID cards (magstripe for access control, visual ID at the front desk) with proximity cards and front-door turnstiles, since another company is going to be sharing some building space with us. That’s fine (and maybe even “better”, because the visual-ID thing never really sat right with me), but today the security folks sent mail to all staff talking about the new system, and included a list of how to treat the new ID badges. Highlights:

  • Do not expose to extreme heat or open flame
  • Do not machine wash
  • Do not use as an ice scraper or scraping tool
  • Do not pound with a pen or other tool
  • Do not bite


4 responses to “arr num num num”

  1. “Do not behave as if you are living in a postapocalyptic anarchy and this ID card is your only means of procuring food and shelter.”

  2. Laugh all you want but I actually bite my ATM card. I’m standing in line holding things in one hand, I dig into my pocket and pull out the stack of cards I have in there, shuffle them a bit with one hand, find my ATM card, hold it with my teeth, stuff the rest back in my pocket.