Showed up in root’s inbox today, sent by another admin:
> allspice : Jul 4 15:33:10 : root : user NOT in sudoers [...] Was me. Who'd have thought one litre of beer could affec,mb bnjeat
Maybe I’ll take the rest of the afternoon off.
Showed up in root’s inbox today, sent by another admin:
> allspice : Jul 4 15:33:10 : root : user NOT in sudoers [...] Was me. Who'd have thought one litre of beer could affec,mb bnjeat
Maybe I’ll take the rest of the afternoon off.
2 responses to “Um um um um um but.”
Karl. :)
(damn, I really should reactivate my LJ account. Posting as anonymous can be tedious)
YYou of all people should recognize an Australian at work. :-)
And let me know if you need an invite code — I’ve got a few extra.