cats – rich text Rich Lafferty's OLD blog Mon, 07 Jul 2008 04:39:34 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Cat ladders Mon, 07 Jul 2008 04:39:34 +0000 Katt-Trappa is a blog about cat ladders.

Modern Cat is a blog about cat accessories in modern and contemporary designs… Thu, 28 Feb 2008 20:28:29 +0000 Modern Cat is a blog about cat accessories in modern and contemporary designs. Spoil your cats without spoiling your chance at a Dwell cover!

meow Fri, 19 Oct 2007 13:59:31 +0000 This is basically your typical morning around these parts.

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cat, school Tue, 24 Jul 2007 17:32:08 +0000 A few brief personal updates:

First, I heard back from the vet yesterday: Mouse’s last bloodwork all came back normal, so we have ourselves a healthy cat. The elevated white blood cell count was presumably entirely from her infected tooth and gums, which the tooth removal and antibiotics took care of, and the liver enzyme count from her anorexia which is taking care of itself nicely now that it doesn’t hurt to eat anymore. She’s one happy cat now. 

And yesterday I got my registration package from school! Here’s what my first two weeks back look like (PDF) before classes start in September. From what I can tell from the documents, beginning in September I will be taking:

  • MBA 5300, Data Analysis
  • MBA 5330, Organizational Behavior and Human Resources Management
  • MBA 5340, Financial Accounting Information and Decisions
  • MBA 5210, Business/Government Relations
  • MBA 5270, Information and Communication Technologies for Managers

and maybe an elective. I bet you all consider those riveting.

Some other interesting upcoming school bits: I’ll have to decide whether or not I want to get involved with the MBA Students’ Association, which holds its elections for executive in late August — since everyone is only there for one year, the executive is all “first-year” students. I also need to decide whether or not to get involved in case competitions, whose tryouts are in the beginning of September. Either of those would be a great experience and a great resume-booster, but I don’t want to spread myself too thin.

And finally a followup to my post about business cards: I asked Ask Metafilter for some advice on printing the other day, and someone there took it upon themselves to set up Illustrator files for me and tell me exactly what to get quotes on at print shops. Ask Metafilter is usually pretty great, but that was far more than I expected. Thanks, Matt!

(Matt is also responsible for Be Safe And Smart On Metafilter, which might be a little in-jokey but is still hilarious. The man has far too much free time.)

Cat update Fri, 29 Jun 2007 13:10:36 +0000 Just realized I hadn’t posted an update on Mouseycat’s condition. We went back to the vet on Wednesday, and she’d gained over a pound of weight in a week, and her mouth was healing up fine. So she’s got another three weeks of antibiotics (two pills a day, sigh) and then another round of blood tests at the end of that to see if her white blood cell count has gone back to normal.

She’s got her appetite back and other than the twice-daily pill trauma is back to being her old self again.

(Boy, she hates her pills though. And she’s getting good at catching them in her cheeks and spitting them back out, which makes them even more bitter and the entire thing far worse for both of us. I’ve got a plunger cat piller but her technique is to chomp her jaw like she’s chewing and swing her head side to side, which makes it very hard to get the piller in.)

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Catch-up post Sun, 24 Jun 2007 04:01:08 +0000 Been a while since I’ve posted. It’s been pretty busy, so here’s a quick catch-up on what’s gone on in the last couple of weeks:

Mouseycat might be sick. She had a very loose canine tooth removed the other day and we found she’d lost nearly a kilogram (nearly 2.2 lbs) since the last time she was weighed. There’s a chance that she just lost the weight because it hurt to eat, but it could be something more serious; blood tests ruled out diabetes but there’s still elevated white blood cell and liver enzyme counts so the current hypothesis is cholangiohepatitis. She’s on twice-daily antibiotic pills right now (which she just loves, let me tell you) and we’re back at the vet next Wednesday to find out what’s next.

Candice and I were in Belleville for Father’s Day weekend, and we spent Saturday with Dad at a weekend-long Beatles festival, with Beatles cover bands playing one after another on a single stage. It was surreal and straight out of the Simpsons, with the site map pointing out the “All You Need Is Food” food concession, the “Hello Goodbye” entrance/exits, the “She Came In Through the Bathroom Window” outhouse row, and a Paul McCartney lookalike wandering the crowds progressively drunker all night.

I took my bike in to get the bottom bracket overhauled and bought a helmet and now I’m ready to start riding everywhere. This is what I should’ve been doing instead of the motorcycle, I think. Silly me. I found that the commute to work along bike trails is about 10 miles on mostly level terrain, so I want to try bike commuting at least a couple times this summer. I took a test ride (to U of O and back, which I figured would be a handy benchmark for this fall) which was around 10 miles and found it easy, so I think it’ll be fine.

Related to that, I’ve been hitting the gym 2-3 days a week for the last month or so. I don’t like the workout I’ve been doing much but I just ordered New Rules of Lifting to give something else a try, but I’ve still been making it there regularly, at least. I need to learn to squat and deadlift.

In work-related news, this is not so good, apparently.

New laptop is awesome and so, so light. It also lets me leave my work laptop at work, which means I don’t have to carry a laptop as well as gym clothes and lunch when I go to work, which was getting particularly annoying on the bus, which I have been trying to take as often as possible instead of driving the car an extra 25 km/day.

Speaking of the car, I replaced the water pump recently because it was very noisy and obviously unbalanced (like me!), and pretty much every other noise the car was making went away too! It’s so quiet now. I guess I could have replaced the water pump a while ago.

Last Monday, Candice and I had been together for four years! In a couple of weeks it’ll be our first anniversary. Yay!

That’s about it for now. I’ll try to post more often, especially since I’ve got so many new things going on all at once. For some reason I try to avoid “Here’s what happened today” posts even when it’s sort of interesting. I shouldn’t do that.

lolfeeds Fri, 01 Jun 2007 01:31:06 +0000 LOLfeeds turns any RSS feed into cat macros. For example: yours truly, Ask Metafilter, or Craigslist personals.

yes, another Tue, 22 May 2007 00:15:13 +0000 Because this was clearly miscaptioned:

FAIL cheesecat

Seriously, though, it’s like icanhascheezburger doesn’t even know about the cat macro 4chan connection. (Specifically, this “tutorial” makes me think they’re just making things up as they go.)

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Particle physics cat macros Fri, 20 Apr 2007 14:33:01 +0000 I has some particle physics cat macros.

I has a cat macro Sat, 14 Apr 2007 04:57:27 +0000 sup


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