I feel so… retro.
So after a bit of work tracking down parts and figuring out what software to chain, I’ve got a working setup for transferring my vinyl to CD and MP3. This MP3 was the first success. (Simon and Garfunkel happened to be the first record I pulled out of the box.) I still need to take […]
Some random bits: I finally got some bookshelves for the spare room. They’re almost full already, but the books are now off the floor of the living room, bringing me closer and closer to the point at which I give all my furniture away. More importantly, though, I went out and bought furniture, which for […]
Uncivil engineering
Ottawa features an expressway, the Queensway, going right through the centre of town, east to. Most of my complaints about Ottawa drivers involve how they behave on the Queensway; some of my favourites include trying to merge without accelerating beyond 50 km/h; stopping on the on-ramp when unable to merge at 50 km/h; immediately changing […]
Turns out that right after I posted on it, the guy behind 8 March 2003 posted this disclaimer telling people not to take the site seriously. He mentions inconsistencies left in to emphasize that it was a hoax, and while I’m not convinced they were as intentional as he lets on, I’m intrigued by the […]
Camera rasa
I am so tired of all my furniture. I mean all. It’s all stuff I got from my parents when I moved into my first non-furnished apartment — parents who have gone through multiple marriage/live-alone/marriage stages generate extra furniture — but it’s all pretty ratty at this point, and it’s certainly not interesting. A 20-year-old […]
Obligatory Christmas loot post
Since everyone else is doing it, I figure I might as well post what I got for Christmas. GNARR GAMECUBE YAAAAY I’m so spoiled. (Not complaining.) My father, from whom I got teh ‘cube, noted that he enjoyed buying me toys again, though :-) SMS: 15 shines so far, I have serious catching up to […]
Yay, all my Christmas wrapping is done. Had a minor scare when I found that a store had given me exactly what I wanted to avoid — no mischarge or anything, just said “Find me something that isn’t $ATTR” and they gave me something that was $ATTR. I noticed this when I was about to […]
Yay, I finished my christmas shopping! This is way early for me. I’m usually starting about now, and finishing about noon on the 24th, and by “usually” I mean “every year before this one”, so I’m feeling particularly proud of myself. And while not everything I found made me go “Yay, this is PERFECT!”, I […]