Category: LiveJournal

  • Ok then!

    Fine! Desktop meme! Why that background? It’s easy on the eyes. Occasionally I’ll use a background generated by perl -e ‘$x=int(rand(5))+2;$y=int(rand(5))+2;print “P3\n$x $y\n255\n”; print int(rand(128)),” ” for(1..$x*$y*3);print “\n”;’| pnmrotate $[RANDOM] |xv -root -max -quit +noresetroot -smooth – instead, which I got from Dagbrown. Why is your toolbar where it is? Well, erm, it’s not one, […]

  • LiveJournal image feed

    For those that don’t follow Lj_dev: Brad has implemented an XML feed which lists the latest images linked to from LiveJournal posts, onsite or off: When I saw that, I thought, “Hrm, I should make Jwz‘s webcollage xscreensaver module load those images.” True to form, five comments into the discussion on the post, Jwz […]

  • Yay presents!

    I got a package in the mail from Stimps today with toys for kitties and me! Both Mouse and Rasha are crazy about their knitted catnip mouse. Rasha was never a big catnip cat, but he was bouncing around on all four feet together attacking it earlier. Mouse on the other hand is definitely a […]

  • sickipedia

    I’ve been sick for the last little while, hence few updates. Getting better (very) slowly, and there’s nothing to worry about, but that’s why I haven’t been around much. Timwi got me looking at Wikipedia again earlier, and I think I’m getting hooked. Wrote my first full entry tonight, on Hot Hot Heat. I really […]

  • Now, I don’t know if this is true

  • What the?

    I just noticed that I only type correctly-ish with my left hand. My right hand jumps all over the place to type with the index and middle finger only, except for enter/shift with the pinky and backspace and slash with the ring finger. I thought for a while about why this might be — right […]

  • Linux-based audio toys

    Lately I have been playing with the Planet CCRMA audio metadistribution for Red Hat and Fedora. Stanford’s Center for Computer Research in Music and Acoustics is a very well-known computer music institution, and they have set up an apt-rpm repository which features two metapackages: one contains a low-latency (and soon, preemptible) Linux 2.4 kernel and […]

  • “Start with Muhammad Ali spending 40 minutes discussing tooth decay.”