Category: LiveJournal

  • Big update thingy

    It’s been a long time since I posted a “here’s what’s been going on” sort of entry, so here’s what’s been going on. Candice and I are all settled in in the new apartment, pretty much. There are still some boxes in places and there’s not much up on the walls and we still have […]

  • interests meme

    Wow, I’m just posterrific tonight. This reminds me that I forgot to tell Cheese_party about adding the interest “turophilia”, to avoid the problem with the whole world having “cheese” listed because it’s an example on the edit-interests page. Ah well. Some other time. 29 people like delp. Only three like intercsaft. That’s just not fair. […]

  • Computer desks for sale

    Candice and I are using real desks now that we have the room, so I’ve managed to end up with three two Ikea computer tables for sale. I figured I should mention them here before braving the hell that is*. Both of them are in good condition, and both were used regularly for six […]

  • CBC Radio streaming Ogg Vorbis

    I was pleased to notice a moment ago that the CBC is now making its radio streams available in Ogg Vorbis format: Radio One — Radio Two Both streams are from Toronto, so the schedule is in Eastern time. They invite listeners to contact CBC Audience Relations with any suggestions or comments. I’ve dropped them […]

  • Avatars

    Technology gamers and their avatars, excerpts from the Alter Ego photo exhibition covered by the BBC here [via waxy].

  • Wireless intarweb

    I am amused by the “Recommended Accessories” at the bottom right of this Future Shop catalog entry. Incidentally, I’m just starting to plan an 802.11g network at home, which will involve a couple of desktop PCs and a laptop all running Linux and occasionally running Windows. It seems to me that the SMC 2802W (PCI) […]

  • Seemed like a good idea at the time

    “I rear-ended him because he stopped too quickly, officer.” “Sounds like you were following too closely, sir.” “Well, officer, I was just trying to read the little sign on his license plate.” In other news: Move is done, internet access from home is spotty. If any locals know of any reason why I should avoid […]

  • In case you hadn’t noticed

    People are incredibly dumb.