5 responses to “Great, thanks for clearing that up.”
It is a horrible feeling when you’re asked to write “help” like this.
The thing that pinches my thong is that MS actually *acts* on that information in XP. By hiding your Rarely Used[*] icons on the desktop, for example, they conveniently disappear the SpyBot Update icon that you placed on your client’s desktop and told them to run once a month.
5 responses to “Great, thanks for clearing that up.”
It is a horrible feeling when you’re asked to write “help” like this.
The thing that pinches my thong is that MS actually *acts* on that information in XP. By hiding your Rarely Used[*] icons on the desktop, for example, they conveniently disappear the SpyBot Update icon that you placed on your client’s desktop and told them to run once a month.
[*] See definition above.
I love idiot guides. fun.