Mitel lands Auchan

Yay us!

40k sets is a yoooj install — while our press release calls
it France’s largest VoIP contract, this is probably the world’s largest
all-VoIP rollout yet. (We had a bigger one with Chicago Public Schools
but that was a hybrid solution.)

Slowly regaining job security is good for my mental health.

7 responses to “Mitel lands Auchan”

  1. Yeah, big time. I’ve always been a blues fan, and SRV’s always been one of my favorites, but I’ve been listening to a lot more recently.

  2. awesome!

    i’m going to be calling up the sales department there soon.. do you know any decent salespeople? we’re not big enough to need 40k phones ( :p ), but we’re 4 sites with 4 remote users, and something like 100 phones.

  3. I’m about as far from the sales organization as you can get (internal systems sysadmin).

    Even then, we rarely do direct sales — you probably want to find a VAR in your neck of the woods, which you can do with the formything here.