Some of my recent bookmarks:
- ☞ Photoshop: Decorate Martha Stewart’s Cell
— at Worth1000
☞ The Fine Print
— How to get business cards into print, for webmonkeys [via Kottke]
☞ Sparklines
— Edward Tufte on the application of intense word-sized graphics
☞ Etymologically Speaking…
— curious word origins, including divergence between English/French/Spanish on "apple" and "cheese"
☞ That Was Then, This is Now
— comparison of top-traffic sites in 1996 and 2004 (via kottke)
☞ Twenty Faces
— a survey of available text typefaces
☞ The Crackpot Index
— a simple method for rating potentially revolutionary contributions to physics
☞ sippey’s web snapshots
— Neat to look at, but more importantly I want to automate this somehow.
☞ The Power On Icon
— musings on the origin of the circle-line "power on" icon
☞ World of Ends
— what the Internet is and how to stop mistaking it for something else