Comments on: minor geekery Rich Lafferty's OLD blog Fri, 05 Mar 2004 04:24:58 +0000 hourly 1 By: anonymous Fri, 05 Mar 2004 04:24:58 +0000 #comment-1039 Hey, this is Wench77 from over diaryland way. I saw Cyndi Lauper with Martha Wainwright tonight, and they were fuckin great… you should see them in Ottawa, I tell you. Cyndi is totally on the ball… intense incredible energy… the stuff from years past was fresh, and the material from the new album wowed the hyped Montreal audience so much they actually SHUT UP and stopped screaming for a song or two. I found you through googling them to put links to my diaryland entry tonight, which you can read at I hope you decide to go, you won’t regret it, even if you are a real Bowie fan!! tah!

By: roy Fri, 05 Mar 2004 01:12:15 +0000 #comment-1038 dude, blazing!
